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A meditative virtual reality game
controlled by deep diaphragmatic breathing

Deep allows players to navigate through a serene and poetic underwater world where movement is controlled by slow, deep diaphragmatic breathing. 

As part of my PhD at the GEMH lab of the Radboud University,
I studied  the potential of DEEP as an anxiety regulation tool and wrote a viewpoint paper with suggestions for the research and design of biofeedback interventions.


As scientific officer I currently help to facilitate (new) science and health care collaborations. 


A multimedia installation helping youth to express and manage their feelings in a creative way

Spiegelstem aims to provide a safe and playful environment for youth to express and manage their feelings. Youth can express themselves by using their voice and movement which is translated to a visual painting.


Spiegelstem is co-created with youths and professionals from special education and various (residential) youth care centres. 


As a researcher I help to assess the impact and feasibility of the project and to set up new research and health care collaborations. 



A VR experience that allows people to explore and creatively express and choreograph their inner world

SOUL PAINT exists at the nexus of immersive technology, creative storytelling and wellbeing to explore the richness of the embodied human experience.


Participants are taken on a journey to explore and creatively express emotions and bodily sensations. Using bodymapping, 3D drawing and movement, they are invited to reveal their unique inner reality but also observe the creations of others. 


I work on this project as research advisor


Building applications that support the wellbeing of youth

Ehealth Junior is a consortium that aims to develop, validate and implement digital applications that supports young people, including those coping with chronic illness. 


I work on this project as a post-doc researcher at the 
HKU University of the Arts Utrecht



A one-day festival about the power of video games

I am co-organiser of the GEMH Game Gallery. This festival is aimed at raising public awareness about the ways that games can facilitate wellbeing. The first edition offered a range of playful demos for visitors of all ages as well as a variety of talks by game experts.


Online sessions focused on digital media and wellbeing

I am co-host of a livestream/video series of the Games for Emotional and Mental Health Lab featuring discussions with experts from (game) design, research, healthcare and industry about the complex interactions between digital media and wellbeing. Sessions are livestreamed and recorded on Youtube.

Watch previous sessions here

©2020 door Joanneke Weerdmeester. Gemaakt met

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